Love Kenya Foundation is focused on helping children from impoverished families receive care and education.   


Located in Western Kenya, Garden of Hope is a rescue center for girls who have been orphaned or are in highly vulnerable situations.

Garden of Hope is a safe home for orphaned and abandoned girls who currently experience instability in the very core of their lives. They do not have loving homes and are the most vulnerable in society, as they have no safety net, lacking proper nutrition, shelter and care.  These children come from various backgrounds and life stories - but the common thread is that all are in this situation as a result of extreme poverty.

Details: We collaborate with local Kenyan officials to help us identify girls who are in need.  We work closely with the social services department of Nandi County in Western Kenya, who brings certain children to our attention.  

The rescue center is a hybrid of an orphanage and foster care. Garden of Hope accommodates up to 8 children at a time, providing them with a safe and nurturing environment. The rescue center is a place of immediate relief for children in great need, ensuring that they have access to food, shelter, and education. Through our partnership with the County, we work to identify foster-families, which will provide long-term care to the children after they leave our rescue center.

Our home is structured to provide an environment where there is a mother-figure caring for the girls, which avoids the institutional affects often associated with traditional, large orphanages. 

  • 100% of your contribution goes directly to Garden of Hope, the name of the future children's home. Love Kenya Foundation (formerly Lee Sisters) is a 501(c)(3) charity organization.



  • Monthly salaries for caretaker/matron, guard and gardner

  • Food and miscellaneous costs to ensure the needs of the girls are met

  • Administrative costs